Chris Wright

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Year is Ending. Say I love you... among other things.

by Chris Wright

Another year has come to an end and this is the time that many of us reflect.

Did we get the things done that we wanted to get done? Could we have done more? Did we waste time? Could we have shown more love or spent less time hating someone? Could we have saved more money? Could we have made more money? Did our family and loved ones get the best of us? The worst of us? The least of us? Did we give our employer what they paid us for? Did we let an opportunity slip away? Overall, do we have any regrets about the last 12 months? Well if you do, 2010 offers you a mulligan. (In golf terms, that's a do-over. For those of you who don't understand that word). Yes. A Do-over.

Reflect on those that past away in 2009. They get to do it in the hereafter. So do not feel sorry for them. Only those that are there know if it is a good or bad place. But YOU get to do it here on Earth. A few things that you can do to get it started. Three basics:

Say 'I love you' more. Some people hold tight these words like it's money. Only giving it out in small portions. Well, let it flow people. It's free. Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers, and everyone that you think deserves it. We all can use a bit more love in our lives. I have friends who I really have little in common with. We think differently politically, morally, ethically, and any other "ally" that you can think of. But I love them to death. They made my 2009 more interesting. To them, I love you.

I love my family. We have so much fun. We laugh. We have fun. We fight. We stress. We chill. But most of all, we love each other. They made my 2009 more interesting. To them, I love you.

To my co-workers. We compete. We drink. We eat (a lot). We congratulate each other. We disagree with one another. We piss off each other. We moan and groan about our job. We celebrate our wins and mope over our losses. But we have so much fun. To them, I love you. They made my 2009 more interesting.

To my extended family that I rarely see or speak with. We check on each other from time to time. Months go by without even a hello or a phone call. We ask others how they're doing. We take for granted that they will be here forever. They provide fun memories; even bad memories. They're part of what makes memories. To them, I love you. They made my 2009 more interesting.

MMM (Make More Money). In these days, people are always talking about how bad the economy is. But many in my circles never even mention the economy. We're buying big-screens, new homes, fabulous toys, cars, boats, and so much more. And if you are not one of these people. Then go and make more money! Do not stand by and watch the parade. BE THE PARADE. There are so many ways to make money. You have a talent, a skill, a hobby. People like you. You have personality. If you have any of these attributes, you can make more money. Network. Sell a widget. Get a better job. Stop holding on to the nothingness that you might have. You deserve more. Your family deserve more. You will be happier. I personally spent a few hundred dollars on some DJ equipment a few years ago and just decided to Make More Money. Yes. I stumbled. I made mistakes, but today, because of the persistence and desire to Make More Money, I'm ok. And I never panic about money, because when it gets low, I know how to MMM.

You can create a business from an existing business; Avon, Pampered Chef, Amway, Mary Kay.

You can create your own business. DJ, Photographer, Videographer, Artist, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Caterer.

You can sell your knowledge. Poetry, write, sing, advise, consult, console.

For every person out there selling something, there's a thousand waiting to buy it. MMM.

Last. Time. Don't Waste It. I'm not saying don't watch movies or play video games or hangout on facebook everyday (please hangout on facebook, I would miss you). But I'm saying make an agenda and do it! Spend a little time everyday on your dream. Because if you don't, your little friend name Procrastination will spend all of your time on your demise. I don't care if it's an hour, half-hour, or all day. Dedicate time to making those changes in your life that's going to do you some good. Read an article. Make a list. Buy a tool. Talk to an expert. Talk to a friend. Ask a question. Do that extra little thing at work that will get you recognition or get you a promotion. Network. Watch some valuable TV like DIY or History Channel or Discovery or any TV that can teach you something.

Cut your conversations short. Sometimes there is no resolution. There is no right or wrong. There is no winning opinion. But sometimes, it's great to converse and just get your feelings out. But don't spend too much time on it. We can debate national healthcare for an hour, but at the end of the 60 minutes, we will still have the same opinion. So when 15 minutes are up, just say, "I hear ya" and move on.

Make some phone calls and go back to strategy one. Call family and friends and see how they're doing. We never have time for that. Send an email, a text, something is an improvement to what you might be doing. All in all. Use time to make our lives more fulfilling. There is only 24 hours in a day. Sleep less and live more.

Happy New Year everyone. Mine will be.


  1. CW, I just read this, and thought it was fabulous! So glad I did...Happy New Year to you, Donna & the kids! Here's to new seasons in life! Cheers! RA

  2. thank you rachel. have a safe and happy new year. god bless you and your family.
